Monday, February 26, 2007

Lightning Strikes!

Just a short post to say that I finally managed to land the mythical 14 card run in Tichu!

Before the pass I held the Mah-Jong, 2, 4-K and two extra mid-range cards. I passed the deuce and the two superfluous cards and received a 2 and 3 from my opponents and the Phoenix from my partner! Perfect!

Better still, we needed just 60 points to win the game so with my Tichu call and going out with my lead it guaranteed us the win.

Forgive me if I gloat a little:



At 5:51 AM, February 28, 2007, Blogger Phollower said...

Cool. It's too bad your name isn't William because then you could've had a Billy Gloat.



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