Monday, August 16, 2010

Tichu Has Been Submitted!

Tichu for the iPhone/iPad/iPod touch has just been submitted to the App Store. Assuming the approval process goes smoothly, it should be available for purchase in the next few days.

Visit for details on the game.


At 9:37 AM, August 17, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the initial price point?

At 9:47 AM, August 17, 2010, Blogger Steve said...

$2.99, just like Mü.

At 3:08 PM, August 19, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news.

But how long does it usually take to gain approval?

At 3:15 PM, August 19, 2010, Blogger Steve said...

It can vary widely based on how busy the reviewers are. From what I can tell, the process is currently taking about a week.

At 1:12 AM, August 24, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Steve. Any problem or issue with the approval process? More than a week since Tichu was submited and not in store yet... Eagerly waiting for it.

At 8:50 AM, August 24, 2010, Blogger Steve said...

No problems. It's just slow these days. We just have to be patient.

At 3:05 PM, August 24, 2010, Blogger Steve said...

It's now "in review" so it shouldn't be too much longer now.

At 6:01 PM, August 24, 2010, Blogger Steve said...

And it's now live. If it's not in your iTunes yet, give it a few hours.

At 10:52 PM, August 24, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now in the Spanish AppStore! Got it! It looks cool! Congrats, Steve, excellent work, as usual.

At 11:57 AM, August 26, 2010, Blogger seanp said...

So excited - I bought it as soon as I learned it was available. I have found one potential bug, though -- I couldn't play a five card straight 10-J-Q-K-A using a phoenix for the 10. Other than that, I've been very impressed with the game. I love the ability to set the AI to different levels, and the ability to set preference of which way to pass even cards!

At 12:48 PM, August 26, 2010, Blogger Steve said...

Yes, that bug has already been reported. Not sure how that one slipped by the beta testers. ;)

The actual bug is that the UI's hand validation code doesn't allow a human to play an Ace-high straight with a low Phoenix. It'll let you fill a gap in an Ace-high straight. It'll let you play a King-high straight with a low Phoenix. But if it's a contiguous straight with an Ace high, you can't include the Phoenix.

Anyway, found and fixed. The update is already on its way.


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